
Rage Storm Incoming(Here We Go Again)--NSFW (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Friday, July 17, 2015, 03:19 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

Shotguns/Reduce damage against AI combatants by 10%
Curb Shotgun effectiveness in PVE slightly to reintroduce some risk when closing on a powerful enemy

Here we go.
I know, 10% isn't a lot, but this is how it starts. Before you know it, we're back down to Shotguns being PvE pee shooters.

The Final Round perk on Sniper Rifles should still require precision shots

While I could care less about Final Round, as that perk to me is laughable(1 single extra point of damage), unoudid is right, that defeats the purpose.

Grenades and Horseshoes proximity detonation reduced.

I guess if I go into Crucible again, I'll get killed 20 feet away from the explosion instead of 21.

Hard Light Changes:
Increase base Stability to 80 (was 65)
Increase bounce count for Hard Light projectiles
Hard Light projectiles are not affected by Damage Falloff

...and the increase to the actual damage or impact of that Auto Rifle itself will be....how much?

Thorn Changes:
Reduce base damage of Thorn’s Mark of the Devourer DoT (Damage over Time) to roughly 1/3 of what it was in PVP and PVE

Why in PvE?!? How is it possibly balanced to neuter that in single-player? What, are the Vandals and Minotaurs ragequitting missions and posting angry threads in Reddit?

Yes, I know it's a nightmare in Crucible--believe me, I was constantly rolling between that, Red Death and Bad Juju(ALL in the top 10, by the way)--but the campaign is just computers. Why cripple the gun in THAT part of the game? Who the hell cares?

Hawkmoon Changes:
Add a stack limit to Luck in the Chamber and Holding Aces so that only 2 of the bonus perks will ever stack on one round. This should prevent Hawkmoon from 1-hit killing full health players in PVP
Add 2 rounds to Hawkmoon’s magazine when Holding Aces is unlocked
Luck in the Chamber damage bonus reduced by 3%

Jeez. Sorry for your loss, Cody. You probably don't even want the damn thing any more.

We’ve all done it. Hunker down in the back of the map with your lunch box, picnic table, a sci-fi paperback, and Ice Breaker. Kill all the enemies, wait for more to show up, kill those ones too, put a few shots on the boss, make a sandwich, finish the strike, and then collect your reward-that-isn’t-Hawkmoon and move on.

No, I have not.

No, I DO not.

And not a single Icebreaker owner I've ever met since October does that either. Don't you categorize me with those assholes who camp and AFK their way through strikes.

I don't care if I've beaten Sepiks Prime 100 times, I'll do it again and willingly.

Increase recharge time for Ice Breaker rounds to 1 every 8 seconds. Was 1 round every 5 seconds

And because of them, I have to suffer further. Let's think about that--a gun that takes forty-eight seconds to recharge...


No Land Beyond Changes
Increase weapon handling speed for faster time to aim, ready, and stow
Adjust sights to fix overlap/parallax issue while aimed
Increase time decay of The Master to 8 seconds
Add an additional 20% Precision Damage bonus while The Master is active

'Hold X to Dismantle'. Done.

White Nail perk now pulls ammo from your inventory

Increase recharge time for Ice Breaker rounds to 1 every 8 seconds. Was 1 round every 5 seconds

Reduce damage of Wolfpack Rounds

So now, there is literally nothing I can do to contribute to kneeling Crota. Not a goddamn thing. I guess I'll just point--maybe that will distract him.

And while we're on the subject:

If Destiny had a nuke it would be the “Ballerhorn.” We definitely intended to have a high damage Heavy Weapon that was ideal for PvE destruction. What we did not intend, and what we unfortunately saw, was pick up Raid and Nightfall groups gating participation based on whether or not players had this weapon. Gallonhorn was so strong that for many people it had become the only answer to getting through tough encounters, and therefore they were less willing to spend time with other players that didn’t have it. We strive for Destiny to be a place where a single weapon or strategy does not dictate how, or with whom, you spend your time. In the new world Ljimperhorn is still worthy of its legacy as an exotic Heavy Weapon, but we hope it promotes inclusive behavior rather than exclusivity.

Well, I mean, you know how to fix that though, right? You...you know what the solution is for...for something like that, right? Y'know? Perhaps maybe? Crazily? Here's an idea:


Maybe not giving me the weapon I just killed the boss with in Nightfall, or the armor I literally have equipped nearly 24/7!

No. Let's make it weaker. So now, LFG groups will be even MORE exclusive, looking for only a full party of maxed out horns--Level 34 or higher, plz! That's a step backwards.

But I guess this means it's time for my prediction to come true.

I don't know if I've posted it here, but I've definitely said it out loud--I'd only get a Guyahorn the second it was nerfed. So I guess tonight--well, probably not tonight. But the night of the update, I guess I'll find 20 of them waiting for me in the Postmaster.

Description: "Morpheus--You've watched in envy as lone Guardians topple the toughest in seconds. Now, it's time for your sloppy seconds."

TL;DR:There are a lot of bad things in this update, but the removal of White Nail is the one thing that might make me stop playing until the Taken King.

"Troll" me, critique me, pick my post apart--whatever.

I'm going to go angry-eat. Good night.

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