I don't even (Destiny)

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, July 17, 2015, 11:30 (3517 days ago) @ Morpheus

I think Vagueness did a pretty good job picking you apart, but just thought I'd chime in with how ridiculous that whole post was. How did you manage to complain about a Thorn buff in PvE? How is an extra 18 seconds of recharge time enough to make you dismantle your infinite ammo, recharging sniper rifle?

How is nerfing Black Hammer, Ghallarhorn or Ice Breaker preventing you from downing Crota? Why are you shooting him with Black Hammer of all things in the first place? How is it taking you more than 6 Icebreaker shots or 1 rocket each (regardless of whether it's Gjallarhorn) to down him? Are you the only person shooting at him?

They nerfed Grenades and Horseshoes and you've decided without even seeing it or being told specifics that the nerf isn't enough?

Your whole post smacks of " CHANGE IS BAD, THE END IS NIGH" despite a lot of these changes seemingly being for the better.


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