
I hadn't seen this yet: Destiny missions to be reordered (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Tuesday, August 11, 2015, 13:14 (3490 days ago)

Apologies if this is a re-post; I don't read this board as often as I used to.

From IGN:

"This is apparently crucial as Ghost will now be more important in the game's story, offering lore when bits of the environment are scanned. Additionally, missions from the original Destiny are being reorganised to unlock along more logical quest lines. As a result, having someone on-call to re-record their lines if needs be was a high priority for the developer."

This was from their recent article about why Dinklebot is no longer Dinkle at all (link here).

Still, it was the first time I'd seen this. I wonder if this means they'll be following my "this order would make more sense" post from 8 months ago (basically do all of the black garden missions first, *then* unlock the side missions afterwards, with unrelated plot elements unlocking at the same time, but being much more clear about the flow of each side mission's arc. Or if they're doing something else entirely.

God willing they fix the "we've heard of [the Black Garden]" happening before we've actually heard of it, and the "You'll come back when you're ready" happening right before you come back to kill that guy. Apparently I was ready. Ugh.

Dialogue aside, I'd LOVE to see them really reorganize the missions so that things like mission 2 being mission 1 backwards just don't happen. Such awful design. If you want to reuse a level, you do so much later so that (a) it feels a bit nostalgic and (b) the player is much more powerful than when they were first there, which makes it exciting (I can triple jump now, so I can reach that platform I saw way back when!) etc..

It's weird to see my wish list for Destiny being checked off so thoroughly for TTK (though still no grimoire in the game!). What strikes me as strange as well is that, despite the *massive* changes to the entire game for TTK, Bungie has not yet admitted that they screwed up the 1.0 version, made some very poor choices, and released a game that was a regression from Halo by degrees in terms of both gameplay and story. I'm glad all of this is going in for 2.0, but I really am curious about how 1.0 even happened. Was the entire team drinking the Kool-Aid or is there some bizarre culture shift at Bungie where fun took a back seat to addiction? And of course I'm very very curious about the state of the game prior to the 1-year-out shakeup.

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