
I will make an effort to keep OPs fact-based... (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 19:58 (3488 days ago) @ Kermit

If that's what you need to do to tone it down, then please do. Thanks. However, you can use skills like tact to be less insulting. If your friend made a cake and you didn't like it, but she put her heart and soul into it, you wouldn't be so mean about it. You can talk about what you like and don't like about the game like a considerate person.

If I paid my friend $80 for that cake, I'd be pretty upset with my friend, too. I'm sorry that you think I'm not a considerate person. I happen to think that I have valid opinions and a right to be upset. It's okay, I'm taking steps to prevent this in the future by vowing never to pre-order again. Destiny is not the only game that hasn't lived up to the hype of late, and it won't be the last. It is, however, hugely disappointing to me to see a studio I have idolized for more than twenty years turn out to just be mortal after all. It's a huge blow. I hope you can understand that, even if you disagree with my opinions.

They've always been mortal. You assuming they weren't isn't their fault.

After the big blow up here the other week I've heard talk of watching out for the negativity police--the implication being that we can't be negative and express negative opinions about aspects of Destiny. That's never been the case.

What has been the case is that frequent posters have been gratuitous in their negativity, expressing the same points ad nauseam and seldom missing an opportunity to infect a thread or post with snarky comments about the game, presenting their judgments as indisputable facts by virtue of their repetition (and in some regard that's felt true). It's not a matter of the rest of us not having the courage of our convictions that this persistent negativity affects the tone of the forum. We're social creatures, and we're inevitably affected by who we hang around. Sometimes I think fans who stopped posting had the right idea, but what's weird is this is a fan site, not a grousers site. The grousers are the ones who usually move on.

What was the big blow up? I've seen this mentioned a few times but have no idea what people are referencing.

I've been called out a few times as a negative poster, but I swear that I really try not to be. I'm still very much a fan of Bungie's body of work, overall, and where I get into negativity is more to do with setting up comparisons in my mind of their past games to their current. I have also had several negative experiences with Destiny at the hands of the RNG which, when I described them here, some people called "so statistically improbable as to be impossible." Well, those people are wrong, because they happened to me. I feel that I have every right to discuss my experience with the game as the next forum user. Think on it this way: Elements of the game are designed such that for every lucky player who is having loads of fun getting new gear, there is an equally unlucky player having significantly less fun not getting new gear. If those two people talk about their experiences with the game, the first player will love it (what's not to love!? Everything is great!) The second player (me, sadly) will have had a totally different experience and thereby feel differently about the game.***

***caveat: TTK is reportedly fixing RNG loot issues with smarter RNG rolls with bias towards different sorts of gear than what you've received prior, and upgrades to what you're wearing. I am SO excited for this change.

Now, I am getting cautiously optimistic about TTK. The changes sound like someone reading a list right off of this here forum of things we wanted to see changed in the game. It sounds great. So I've started checking these forums again. And posting again. But my experience of Destiny to date has not magically changed into something positive. It is not a game I'm playing right now. It ceased to be fun for me. I would like TTK to be as good as it sounds so that I can get back to space magicking with my friends and having fun in a fascinating Bungie-world again. I still wish that every FPS I ever played handled as well as Destiny does. But handling alone do not a car make.

Perhaps some of my upset comes from the fact that Destiny has so much incredible potential. The grimoire cards are awesome and the game itself is really only a small slice of the meat that lies therein. I know Bungie can do it. I've seen them do it. Halo? Marathon? Even PiD had a really cool story. Let me be clear: I am rooting for Bungie.

But in my mind, team Destiny is down several points. The coach is saying all the right things to the sideline reporter, so I hope they get some good plays in with TTK. The time is right, and the season isn't over yet.

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