
That's not actually what they said . . . (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Tuesday, August 11, 2015, 21:34 (3489 days ago) @ electricpirate

Just for the record, what they said was after you visit the Reef for the first time and talk to the Queen, the Reef opens up, as in the Vestian Outpost becomes available. They didn't actually say that the House of Wolves story missions open up. Unless they play with the required levels for those missions, you wouldn't be able to do them.

However, if they don't do that, one would have to question why the Vestian Outpost would be available at that point at all, as you could not do any of the activities there.

I hope they make the HoW missions available at that point, but they didn't actually say they were, unless it sneaked by me somewhere.

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