
I hadn't seen this yet: Destiny missions to be reordered (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Tuesday, August 11, 2015, 15:08 (3490 days ago) @ Cody Miller

That sounds like a good idea. Imagine if you had just done the Black Garden storyline missions only, in order, then finished the game. You'd now have all these side missions to do, and it would have alleviated the problem of having nothing to do at level 20. So you've beaten the game and you are level 20. Instead of having nothing new to do, you now have all the side missions to explore. This works out because your main narrative is 'done', and now it's just flavor and exploration. Doing the side missions always feels out of place while your narrative is going. If there is such an urgency to destroy the heart, why am I worrying about killing the Archon priest, or the Archon of the House of Winter, or Valus D'aruc?

A much better setup would have been having all the strikes and side missions open up when you hit level 20. Maybe that's what they are doing.

I completely agree. They'd have to re-balance everything, obviously, but finishing the main quest to then discover that each of the worlds you'd previously visited had double the number of missions available would have made the game feel so much bigger. Not to mention my utter confusion the first time I played through do the missions in the order in which they unlocked...

The plot of destiny, as quickly as I can recite it, in the order in which the missions unlocked:
We'll kill that archon when we're ready. Okay we're ready. Now find Rasputin! Urgent, everyone to the moon! There's a sword that we have to destroy. Warsat, yo! Come to Venus when you're ready. Remember that urgent thing about the moon? Okay you're ready for venus. Yeah, we've heard about the black garden. Stop the fallen from raising their archon! Hey, this archive mentions a thing called the "Black Garden" that I've never heard of before. Watch a 15 minute cutscene! Kill a gatelord. Mars knows about this black garden thing. Don't fight these guys until we know more about them. Okay fight them! Moar Warsat! Black garden! Here's a single mote of light. Okay here's a cool gun that's 4 levels below you.

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