
A thought to improve dropping into match in progress. (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Sunday, August 23, 2015, 22:35 (3477 days ago) @ BeardFade

I kind of disagree. Rather than give people who join in-progress matches a bonus, I think you should buff the people who stuck around. Here's why:

- If you reward people for joining an in-progress game rather than sticking around, you're actually encouraging people to jump ship right away and then re-queue. Even if they get matched to the same game, they get a bonus for it.
- If you punish people who leave a game early in order to try and prevent the above, you end up punishing a bunch of people who just got randomly disconnected.

So if you just increase all of the health, shields, armor, ammo, regen rates etc.. of the remaining members of a team by the % of players who are no longer on the team, you'll find a better balance. Maybe give them slightly higher buffs than that, since they can't cover as many doors or be in as many places at once when down players. Suddenly the bonus is if you stick around in a losing effort, you become more awesome. Thus, people are more likely to stay and less likely to bail, and people who do join late are more likely to join a game that isn't completely one-sided.

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