
You make an assumption (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Monday, August 24, 2015, 21:20 (3476 days ago) @ Earendil

But you're missing the point, this thread isn't about the people still in the room as much as it is about getting the person being dropped into a match in progress up to speed with the rest of the group. We've all had bad players giving the other team points from dying too much, but giving them more health still helps them die less. Remember, points aren't only taken from the other team (kills) but given to the other team, too (deaths).

I'm not missing the point so much as defending the 5 players that are likely winning. They should not be served a disadvantage, increasing their likelihood of losing, just because an opponent left the game.

I believe your scenario would allow for a player to use his/her super to wipe a team, drop from the game, and immediately have someone replace them with a full super. This is why I'd suggest (my other post) to have the person entering the game come in with the super filled to the amount of the guy that is being replaced.

That's really unlikely. The person leaving would be taking a loss for abandoning the game just so the other people who aren't him can maybe take advantage of 1 more super use assuming someone is matched into the game immediately?

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