You make an assumption (Destiny)

by Earendil, Monday, August 24, 2015, 14:22 (3476 days ago) @ BeardFade

2) For the duration that a team is outnumbered, each member of the team will be 1/6th more damage resistant for each member down. So, if a match is currently 4 v 6, each member of the 4 person team requires 1/3rd more damage to kill. This encourages the team with more people to use their advantage by working together, while giving the outnumbered team members a better chance of winning 1 on 1 encounters. At most, a 1 v 6 match means that the 1 person gets 200% health.

You are assuming that every player on a team is of equal skill. If you have a 5v5 where each team is equal to the other on average, and have the worst player drop out on one side, you suddenly have a situation where granting the remaining 4 additional anything would be over powering. Heck, there are times when I'm positive my team would do better in a 4v5 instead of a 5v5 if the bad player would just leave.

My feeling is that a player leaving should not effect the outcome of a game. If the majority of players leave games when they are losing, then that team should probably lose. It sucks to be dropped into that situation (if you expect to win), but since everyone gets dropped into those kinds of games equally, it all comes out in the end.

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