
Yes, you are hurting your team. (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, August 24, 2015, 19:54 (3476 days ago) @ Claude Errera

If I'm a Sunsinger and don't use my super, even though it's charged, for a minute or two, am I penalizing the team?

Yes, I think you are punishing your team. Averaging more supers per match, especially successful ones, is clearly beneficial for a team. Not only is it more points, but the orbs enable other players to have supers faster. That's why they keep a stat for average supers per game.

Yes, but they key is using them at the right time. That time might be different in trials vs control, but if you use your super to kill one person, that's a waste. It's better to save it for a time when it can turn the tide, such as to take a control point in a key moment, deny heavy ammo to the other team, win a close round in trials, etc.


I've seen a ton of people say "I'm gonna save my super for a time when I can turn the tide/take a control point/kill multiple people" and then die (over and over again) without actually getting a chance to use it.

Certainly if you are faced with the choice of using a super on one person vs using it on 3, take the 3. But if you're looking at 1 kill vs no kills (and I realize it's hard to tell that you're looking at no kills, since it's 1 kill now vs no kills FOR THE REST OF THE GAME, or until you'd be super'd again), you should take the 1 kill.

I personally went through a stretch where I said "I'm going to make sure my super kills more than one person" - and when I compared my overall super kills during that stretch to a similar number of games before that stretch, my overall super kills were much lower (though my kills per use were higher).

tldr: Try to use your super for big things, but don't fret when you only get one kill - it's rarely a waste.

As I mentioned in my reply to Cody's comment, a lot of it comes down to the gametype you are playing. Games like Control have fewer opportunities for a true "tide turner" super move. You might score a few kills, but very rarely will a single super make a game-changing difference.

But in Trials, every single super has the potential to win the round. So you need to be more selective about how you use them

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