
Really good to see this level of honesty and understanding (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Wednesday, August 26, 2015, 22:56 (3474 days ago) @ Cody Miller

It is good to see, but I would really like to know how they didn't see it coming. The example they use about players leaving at 20 is the result of no content after that. The "forever 29" is a direct result of the way that endgame gear progression is set up. What do you expect when the raid is the only way to reach 30, and the drops are rare? It's even more surprising when they say that players were playing more than they expected. As such, they are getting even more loot drops than would have been anticipated. If players played for as little time as Bungie first predicted, they'd be 29 even longer!

I fully agree with you. It is quite surprising that anyone who has played video games at all in the time since WoW first launched wouldn't understand endgame gameplay and RNG based loot scenarios. They should have seen the problems way, way far out and should have had the foresight to design around them. It's bizarre that they missed it. But I'm glad they have been paying attention since launch and seem to really have noticed where they went wrong.

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