
A SHOCKING Revelation!!! (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, August 27, 2015, 20:41 (3473 days ago) @ Kahzgul

Bungie has the entire game and a slew of playtesters. Their predictions about the future should be better than mine. Plus they know how to make games, and I don't!

I... you just... that says... HOLY COW.

Okay, joking aside, I do know how to make games, and it kind of strikes me as wholly bizarre that Bungie's Destiny team didn't. Which is beyond weird. They have made plenty of very awesome, yet wide ranging in terms of genre and style, games. With fantastic level and encounter design, compelling stories, and very rewarding gameplay. Yet... Destiny 1.0 happened. I don't think it's unrealistic for anyone who's seriously played video games for a few years to say that they could have done a better job designing the missions, writing the script and story, and laying out the encounters. Anyone who's played any WoW endgame content should have been able to see the loot issues from a mile away, well before any of that was coded, as well as been able to point out that gating content based purely on RNG anything (in this case, loot drops) is tantamount to permanently denying at least one customer from ever seeing that content. Adding to the crazy, I used to work for Activision and I know a bunch of the people who worked on that side of the game's development and they're all really good, passionate people who would want the game to be the best that it could be, and who have the knowledge to point out those mistakes. Curiouser and curiouser.

But I tire of complaining about the past - I'm with you on hoping they have foresight in the future.

Weird. Curious. Maybe the answer is that we (and you) don't know the half of what went on during the development of the game.

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