
I swear, I mean this in a helpful way (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, August 27, 2015, 15:20 (3473 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

This is going to sound like the mother of all humble-brags, but as someone who has all the gear he wants, the game really has become easier to just sit back and enjoy for me. Don't get me wrong, I've had a blast with Destiny since day 1. But looking back, a substantial amount of my playtime was spent doing activities I would not have chosen to do other than to make "progress". Sometimes this meant running missions I didn't want to run just to complete bounties, Prison of Elders just to finish my elder cyphers, etc. I never let this mindset totally dominate my time with the game, but if I'm honest with myself it was always there to a certain degree.

But now that I have everything I want, I feel like 100% free to just play the game however I want to at the moment. Long story short, I agree with you. For some of us, the loot-based end game is a double-edged sword. But if you are ever able to break out of that trap (either because you'll eventually have everything, or you reach the point where you stop caring, or the loot system changes completely), the frustration you are feeling will melt away :)

I feel like Destiny 2 would be perfect if:

1. There is non-rng way to access all gear.
2. Said ways are fun in and of themselves.
3. The end game content is both numerous, and crazy in terms of design and challenge, knowing players can acquire whatever gear they need to defeat said challenges.

Part of me has always felt that not knowing what any given person will have access to makes it so your encounters have to be generic enough to cover all the bases. You wouldn't ever have something like the T&R hangar from Halo, because what if they only had an autorifle and a shotgun? The end game is where design scenarios should push the envelope.

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