
Really good to see this level of honesty and understanding (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, August 27, 2015, 15:11 (3473 days ago) @ Kahzgul

2.0 looks like it'll improve on almost all of that, which is good, but the failures of the initial launch will always leave me skeptical of the Destiny team. There's something very wrong with how they built the initial game, and while it's clear that they listened to our feedback about it and are fixing things, it remains unclear as to whether or not they've discovered where their design and feedback systems broke down internally and were able to address those problems in order to prevent future mistakes before they every get to us, the players.

There IS hope though. When was the last time you had to run around Mars picking up relic Iron to upgrade your gun? Right, it's been a long time, since you don't have to anymore. It's great that they are fixing a lot of the things that are issues. Fixing isn't enough though: they should design the game moving forward to have solved and eliminated these problems beforehand. I'd like Bungie to be more forward thinking, instead of reactionary.

Again, not to sound arrogant, but I foresaw this even before the game was officially announced. I knew it off of one job posting in 2010. Bungie has the entire game and a slew of playtesters. Their predictions about the future should be better than mine. Plus they know how to make games, and I don't!

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