
Word (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, August 27, 2015, 13:37 (3473 days ago) @ scarab

It is good to see, but I would really like to know how they didn't see it coming.


maybe they were constantly scrapping characters with each new dev build so they never actually had a character reach 30 legit.

But still, you'd think they could have worked it out from first principles. Or maybe the principles of the game kept changing right up to launch so it was too difficult for them to keep track of what the current rules were. They had stared at it for too long, through too many different itterations that they just couldn't see the game any more.

Nevertheless they really should have listened to you.

They would have HAD to have this come up when setting the drop rates. I find it very hard to believe they went and set the drop rates arbitrarily without doing the math to see how long it would take on average to get all the armor. The math is really simple, and the drop tables easy to adjust.

Bungie is also very well known for their extensive play tests and usage data gathering. I am not sure how play tester feedback wasn't as negative as player reaction, unless they simply didn't play test correctly.

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