
A SHOCKING Revelation!!! (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, August 27, 2015, 23:45 (3473 days ago) @ narcogen

I think the reason some of us find vanilla Destiny a bit confounding is that from the outside, not knowing anything about what went on in the studio, some of Destiny's flaws appear quite obvious. The "we were surprised how much people played the game" statement puzzled me a bit too. Bungie are the ones who set all of the drop rates for the various activities. How could they possibly be surprised by how many raids it took most of us to get a full set of armor?

I think they knew exactly how many raids it would take.

I think they were surprised at how many players were willing to do the maximum number of possible raids (one per character per week) solely for the purpose of getting those drops.

Watching other players get drops you wanted, while you got dupes or nothing, just made people more eager to press the button, and more angry at not getting what they thought the game should be giving them.

I think Bungie envisioned people playing Raids for the experience, and then mapped the drop rates so that a certain percentage of the population would have maxed out their gear by the time the next Raid activity launched. Instead, people were burning themselves out doing Raids to get gear that refused to drop, and ragequit before they hit that point.

This just isn't acceptable to me. One of the "exactly" values is "never" when the RNG determines which loot drops. That means you think that Bungie intentionally designed a raid such that some percentage of their players would never be able to get enough armor to achieve max level, and that design was not a mistake?

And before you say "oh well that's so rare as to have never happened" I've only ever gotten chest and boots from VoG and it took me until the end of February running CE every week to get a 3rd armor piece for level 32 and hard mode. So yeah, RNG loot is a terrible decision and Bungie should have known better. I'm thrilled they are changing that in TTK.

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