"My guardian is way cooler than Master Chief"... Are they? (Destiny)

by scarab @, Sunday, August 30, 2015, 09:30 (3471 days ago) @ Revenant1988

And likewise with my Guardian, I want to know more about how they fit into the world but it's an irritation, annoyingly so with Destiny. There are bits and pieces that piqued my interest a year ago, such as Toland and the character in the Thorn bounty, but everything else is just too damned open and vague to the point where it isn't interesting.

I'm hoping that the next couple of releases things really improve and I feel like my character has a purpose, but for now it is my biggest gripe about Destiny to the point where I wonder how long I can wait before I can't take it anymore and find something else to do.

It is possible that this is, to a degree, intentional.

It might be part of the story that something is rotten in the state of Denmark and that there are clues in the story and the world that we were supposed to have picked up on.

It could be that Bungie are a little bit dissapointed that we have been so incurious about the world that they created. We just are not asking the questions, at least not here on DBO.

This could be because there has been so much criticism of the game and so much defensiveness that any questions are just seen as attacks on the writing and we just don't want to go there.

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