Search results for tag 'board'
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Destiny Drawing Board: Shrike

let us know about the latest
Destiny Drawing Board entry - this one focuses on the vehicle known as the Shrike. Beautiful! (You can, of course, find a local copy of this entry - and in fact ALL entries - in our
Destiny Drawing Board Archive. For, you know... posterity.)
Claude Errera | Feb 12, 2014 05:27 pm |
The Hunter's Blade
A new Drawing Board is upon us thanks to Bungie, but this time it isn't a gun - it's a knife. And what a lovely tool of destruction it is. Go read.

GrimBrother IV
pointed it out first in our forums. He keeps this up, Xenos may be out of a job as "the guy who finds stuff before us".
Leviathan | Nov 13, 2013 04:05 pm |
Exotic Auto Rifle: Arcus Regime
The romantic lines of its elegant design are a throwback to when crafting weapons was a labor of love."
Why are you reading this? Go look at a new gun. It's like a beautiful spaceship with a handle and trigger attached! Thanks GrimBrotherIV.

Leviathan | Nov 6, 2013 06:49 pm |
Destiny Drawing Board: Conduit F3

What would a futuristic Bungie game be without a Fusion Rifle?
Swing by to read about the Conduit F3, a weapon that needed damping to be effective ('unstable' is a bad descriptor for a weapon). This puppy has over-penetrating burst fire! Go read more about it.
Claude Errera | Oct 10, 2013 04:38 pm |
A double-aught blast from the past
Some carry their own luck; luck that has survived since humanity's collapse. The latest Destiny Drawing Board is up at, featuring the
Silver Dollar MK.35, a trusty pump-action powerhouse for close-range encounters with your foes. (Hat-tip to Xenos in the

Malagate | Oct 2, 2013 04:51 pm |
Thunder, Thunder, Thunderlord ho!

Most heavy weapons give off a distinct gunpowder smell; the Thunderlord, however, leaves the pungent stench of ozone in its wake. Bungie's latest Destiny Drawing Board is up, and the tool of destruction on display should be familiar to anyone that has watched Rixis the Archon Slayer fall in battle. Read on to see how exactly this electric beast rolled forth from the stormy depths.
ncsuDuncan | Sep 18, 2013 08:32 pm |
Destiny Drawing Board: Duke MK.44

The latest Destiny Drawing Board is up on the
Bungie Blog, featuring the Duke MK.44; a trusty piece of iron perfect for new Guardians out to split some wigs.
Malagate | Sep 12, 2013 02:16 pm |
You Don't Have to Go Home...

There is a new Destiny Drawing Board article up on today. This week's lens scopes in on Closing Time, the sniper rifle we first got a glimpse of in the E3 presentation, even though we didn't know its name at the time. This long rifle is apparently a testament to Destiny's modern graphics engine, so go check out the article to find out why and be sure to nab some beautiful wallpaper while you're at it!
Beorn | Aug 28, 2013 04:52 pm |
A Wolf a Day Keeps the Fallen Away

The second entry in Bungie's new Destiny Drawing Board series is up today with a
feature on Gjallarhorn, everybody's favorite wolf-themed, rocket-flinging dealer of doom and destruction. I get the sense that this piece of heavy equipment is as destructive as it is ornate.
Beorn | Aug 22, 2013 10:52 am |
Destiny Drawing Board: Red Death
Bungie today kicked off a new feature they're calling Destiny Drawing Board by profiling an exotic pulse rifle named Red Death. And what an apt name it is, this thing just looks visceral!
We get a gorgeous wallpaper, some nice background about the history of the weapon and its development, and a sneak peek at what it'll look like in-game for those Guardians lucky enough to win it from their enemies.
I'm definitely looking forward to more entries in this series! (Thanks, Grim IV).
Beorn | Aug 15, 2013 04:45 pm |