Worse than a defect... (Destiny)

by Earendil, Tuesday, January 27, 2015, 09:26 (3396 days ago) @ Cody Miller

...is a fix for a defect that is a half assed temporary patch. "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" applies to software engineering, and some of the worst code is code that started as a clever patch, but was not thought through as a design/architecture level and with the thought that things may change over the years.

But it's a problem. The "Right" way to fix things almost always takes longer and/or costs more. It's borderline a fact of life. So if this truly is a difficult bug, I applaud Bungie from a software engineering perspective for taking the time to fix it correctly, instead of applying a quick hack that will eventually fail and likely in a more catastrophic (money/time/defects) ways.

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