Worse than a defect... (Destiny)

by Earendil, Tuesday, January 27, 2015, 09:55 (3396 days ago) @ Cody Miller

What's wrong with them hacking in a fix to hold us over while they work on fixing it for real?

Because now you're paying for throw away code, both in the writing and the testing.
You're also risking MORE developer and tester time if the hack isn't perfect.
You're also risking a PR shitstorm if the hack doesn't go off as planned.
You're also paying employees to work on temp hack code instead of working on real lasting fixes. Even with infinite money their employee count at this moment is finite.

I'm sure there are more variables that I'm either not considering, or that are unique to Bungie.

It might make business sense for some defects, on some products, for some companies. Bungie has determined that isn't the right approach, based on a lot more information than we have. Deej has publicly acknowledged this defect, it *IS* on their radar, and the public's radar. It won't be forgotten.

Also a fun fact of software, defect lists are like icebergs, any single customer or general public is only aware of a fraction of the known defects. The ammo bug may be highly visible, but that doesn't mean it's the most harmful defect on Bungie's list.

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