
So, what happens if (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 11:12 (3394 days ago) @ Earendil

If I save off "50%" ammo, and in death remove two armor pieces that increase my max ammo by 2, than when "50%" is applied upon respawn I will have 1 less rocket than expected. More concisely, I would go from 3 of 6 to 2 of 4, even though my original ammo count was within the bounds of the maximum count.

You are not understanding. You save the value THE INSTANT BEFORE THE CHARACTER REBUILD HAPPENS. The glitch happens when the character is rebuilt on spawn. So you determine how much ammo you have the nanosecond before spawn, then restore it after spawn.

Also, if you remove the armor in your example while you are alive, the same thing would happen. There is no problem at all with the scenario. If you have 7 ammo, and remove armor pieces that let you have that 7, or course your ammo is going to go down.

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