
While we wait for HoW... (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, March 09, 2015, 14:47 (3356 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

My non-expansion wish list? Well:

1. Nobody talks about it much, its more just accepted as "this is the way it is", but I would love to see a fix for Destiny's oddly slow loading of UI elements. You open you character menu and... can't...do...anything...for...a...while because? Because what? Is all the cool tech of the engine so overwhelming that Destiny can't spare the time to load the little icons for the weapons and armor? But it affects more than that! Multiplayer medals often don't manage to show their icons in time before going away. Same for engrams I pick up or bounties I complete. I hear the sound and see the spinning square... that just goes away without showing me what I got.

Worse, is this slow loading affects basic parts of the UI. The other day in a Crucible game the part of the HUD that shows the score didn't load for several seconds after I came back from a menu. I had the little spinny loading icons where the Alpha and Beta scores would be and had no numbers or even colors to tell me who was winning! I've had it where I can't tell how many bullets I have left because the entire weapons display part of the HUD is delayed in loading. Sometimes when I switch characters the menu that asks me if I'm sure doesn't come up for a while, even...

I haven't seen loading this delayed since the late, late texture pop-ins of Halo 2 or the original Mass Effect... and Destiny loads bigger much more visually detailed worlds than any Halo far more quickly than any Halo... so I wonder what's up.

2. I harp on it from time to time, but I wish Bungie would place much more strict filters on the Crucible's join in progress. Getting joined into a terrible losing game with a large score spread I have no hope of overcoming or a game that is almost over because of time or score is just so crappy an experience. This weekend I got joined into a very close winning game where the score was like 19,000 to 19,000. I was in the match all of a minute before it ended and even though I won I didn't feel happy. I clicked on the Crucible to play Crucible... not to drop into a game then immediately go back to the menus and wait for another game.

3. I'd still like to see a Exotic bounty for every Exotic weapon. A lot of us are in that spot where random chance is not bringing us the weapon we want to try. Bungie has what would seem to be a fairly easy way to solve this by letting us do specific tasks for specific weapons. (Really, I just want Red Death... :p)

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