It's a general problem (Destiny)

by Monochron, Wednesday, May 27, 2015, 12:10 (3263 days ago) @ Avateur

Bungie seems to have issues balancing weapons in general. Auto Rifles are too powerful? Let's make them close to worthless while also making some other gun obnoxiously overpowered. Because why balance when we can just swap?

Maybe others don't see it this way, but I much prefer a single powerful shot weapon type to be dominant in PvP games. The M6D, the Battle Rifle, the DMR. Bungie has always made these weapons king in multiplayer. I can certainly agree though, that auto rifles are a bit too useless at the moment. Shotguns make them worthless at close range, and handcannons make them useless at mid range. I imagine they could fill a role in between the two, but that's a tough balancing act.

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