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Breaking In: Rajeev Nattam, Senior 3D Artist

Tuesday means that it's time for a new "Breaking In" article, and this week's focus is on Rajeev Nattam, Senior 3D Artist at Bungie. For Destiny, Raj is tasked with molding and sculpting the weapons and vehicles that we will wield in our mission to take back the solar system (apparently there will be quite a few!). Check out the interview to hear about his job and see how he forged his road to Bungie.
TAGS: breaking, in
Beorn | May 7, 2013 04:36 pm | link

Trampled by Sunlight

After a late start and a few excuses (wolves?!), DeeJ has opened the Mail Sack for the week. You know how it works: submit some great questions for the Bungie crew and get them answered on Friday!


TAGS: mail, sack
Beorn | May 7, 2013 01:37 pm | link

Fan-made Hunter WIP

A few days ago, a member of the Polycount forum decided to start modeling one of the Hunters we've seen as concept art - it looks like watching the WIP thread might be fun. Go see!

TAGS: fanart, hunter
Claude Errera | May 7, 2013 08:43 am | link

Goodies and Questions at Destiny Forum

Destiny Forum is giving away a bunch of Destiny schwag (shirts, mug, poster) - and you can get in on the action by joining their community and telling 'em why you want it! The giveaway is open until May 15, so get over there! (While you're there, maybe vote in their 'What platform would you buy Destiny for?' poll - I find the results pretty interesting, myself!)

Claude Errera | May 7, 2013 08:39 am | link

Guardian Radio Episode 11


The Guardians of Destiny released episode 11 of their podcast show - the crew is joined by YouTuber MoreConsole to discuss the latest Destiny news, including talk of monetization and raids. Go listen!

colindosaj | May 7, 2013 05:18 am | link

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