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previous Sunday, May 12, 2013 next

Walk of solitude.


Today may have been a slow news day, but at least that gives me an excuse to post a new Destiny image by our resident artist, Leviathan. (If you're feeling artistic yourself, there are still a couple days left for submissions to Week 6 of The DBO Challenge!)

ncsuDuncan | May 12, 2013 08:03 pm | link

We Built This City

Well, not really, but Axelrod vK mapped out what he thinks the last remaining city on Earth will look like. By using a map of Puerto Princesa and in-game/concept reference shots from Destiny he was able to map out key points of interest such as the Traveler and the Tower in relation to the surrounding geography. Neat!

colindosaj | May 12, 2013 08:00 pm | link

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