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The Art of Bungie's History

TD Spiral's History of Bungie

TD Spiral gave us a peek at this amazing piece from the handful of fan art he made for Laird's charity auction. While this image didn't quite make it into the auction, it's still very impressive! (Full size.)

TAGS: fanart
ncsuDuncan | May 13, 2013 09:36 pm | link

Spring Cleaning for Child's Play

Child's Play Destiny Lithograph

Laird has posted his latest round of auction items benefiting the Child's Play charity, one item of which should interest Destiny fans. The print pictured above is one of the limited edition lithographs sold from the Bungie store; only 150 were made, but this one is unique in that it has been autographed by a ton of Bungie employees! Check out this eBay page for more details and a look at the rest of Laird's charity auctions - there are some really neat things up for grabs! (Thanks for the heads-up, Xenos.)

ncsuDuncan | May 13, 2013 04:41 pm | link

Sack up and ship out

bungie_mailsack.jpgBungie has sounded the horn and put out the call for the latest Mail Sack. Heed its instructions and release your queries! 

GrimBrother One | May 13, 2013 09:50 am | link

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