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Pre-Show Mail Sack Questioning

bungie_mailsack.jpgIf you just can't wait until next Monday for the answers to your burning Destiny questions, DeeJ has opened the latest mail sack thread for your immediate inquiry. What will you ask, now that the time of enlightenment is so close at hand?

TAGS: mailsack
ncsuDuncan | Jun 3, 2013 09:23 pm | link

Get your browser to Mars.

DBO Wallpaper

If your desktop (or mobile device) needs a new wallpaper, Beorn has you covered with this gorgeous image he made for a (still secret) DBO project! There are a wide variety of picture resolutions available, so check out his post on the forum to find one that works for you.

ncsuDuncan | Jun 3, 2013 08:49 pm | link

And Xenos was his name-o.


Xenos has come up with a fun forum game to play while watching Bungie's E3 reveal next Monday - Destiny BINGO! He needs to get an idea of how many people are interested in playing, so be sure to leave a message in this thread if you want your own Bingo card. I hear there might be a prize for the winner...

TAGS: dbo, bingo
ncsuDuncan | Jun 3, 2013 08:27 pm | link

Doing the PR Dance

IGN contacted a bunch of game developers to ask them what they thought about the Xbox One. Eric 'Urk' Osborne responded from Bungie - and oddly enough, his response references Sony more prominently than Microsoft. I guess you can interpret this to mean that Bungie views the next generation as the next generation (rather than as individual consoles)... or maybe it's just that MS hasn't really involved Bungie in its rollout of the new platform. It'll be interesting to see how front-and-center Destiny is in the upcoming Xbox One promotional PR. If you have input on this, Mr Daax (who initially brought this article to our attention) kicked off a thread on our forum - chime in!

Claude Errera | Jun 3, 2013 11:43 am | link

Gamespot's Destiny Summary

If you need a quick recap of all the info we know so far about Destiny, Gamespot has you covered. Jess McDonell talks you through the backstory, accompanied by official art assets and movie clips. It's just two and a half minutes long, and should bring you up to speed in time for E3!

Claude Errera | Jun 3, 2013 10:41 am | link

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