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It's Bungie Week in the Starside Lounge


Grab your favorite pair of ears and subject them to Episode Two of The Starside Lounge. Four members of the DBO admin team set aside their differences to discuss every Bungie fan's most coveted game: Wreckateer. Somewhere between tales of giant slingshots and crumbling castles, the group manages to sneak in a few Destiny-related thoughts about our Chris Butcher interview, Bungie Week, Jason Jones, fan creativity, and of course: SPACE MAGIC!

(In addition to streaming or downloading from our Starside Lounge page, you can also listen on YouTube and subscribe through iTunes!)

ncsuDuncan | Jul 13, 2013 08:06 pm | link

Guardian Radio v.5 for July 13, 2013


The latest episode of Guardian Radio v.5 is out, distilling a week of news into a quick flurry of highlights. It's about 8.5 minutes long, so give it a listen over at The Guardians of Destiny.

ncsuDuncan | Jul 13, 2013 07:54 pm | link

They've been spelling it out all along...

Looking back, the connection should have been obvious - but it took Ragashingo to put it together for us. Swing by his forum post to connect the dots between Bungie's Alpha Lupi mini-ARG (which concluded on the day Destiny was revealed) and the upcoming Music of the Spheres symphonic release. Very, very cool stuff!

TAGS: bungie, teases
Claude Errera | Jul 13, 2013 04:33 pm | link

A Fan Visits LA

UnrealCh13f got invited to the Microsoft Press Conference at E3 last month, and parlayed it into a full day of activities - and yesterday he wrote up that experience (with pictures!) and posted the result on our forum. After reading, I am reminded of Duncan's assertion that people are the greatest part of E3 - he's absolutely right, and UnrealCh13f's recap shows it clearly. Check it out!

TAGS: fan, e3, recap
Claude Errera | Jul 13, 2013 04:28 pm | link

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