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It's hard to believe, but we actually recorded another podcast already! We pore over everything we could scrounge up about Destiny 2 from E3 and discuss Destiny lore with guest Ragashingo. Go listen to it in the archive or on YouTube below:
It's been about a month (and a year) since our last episode, but we figured with the big news dump last week we should probably get around to discussing it! Listen to the latest episode of the Starside Lounge below or go listen in the Starside Lounge archive!
Tomorrow is the big April update and we’ve got a new episode of The Starside Lounge for your listening (?enjoyment). Check it out below, or subscribe with your podcast player of choice!
The sketchbook winner from the contest began in our last Starside Lounge has been announced in our forum along with some runner-up artwork!
And, by the way, have a happy New Year on us!
Beorn stopped by the forum yesterday to announce that the latest Starside Lounge (recorded last weekend) has been released - Beorn, Xenos, Leviathan and Speedracer were joined by SquidNH3 for a great two-hour discussion that covers everything from Challenge Mode to Sparrow Racing. You can listen to it on YouTube, or just drop by the Starside Lounge archive and stream it from there. There's a giveaway buried in there, as well - and if you're interested in a Destiny sketchbook, it's a pretty simple entry process. You have until Monday to get in the running, so go listen!
Last night, Xenos, Beorn, and breitzen jumped into the Dreadnaught to discuss The Taken King and to explore the new destination. Here’s the video archive for those who missed it:
The first Starside Stream going on right now on DBO's Twitch stream! Come join us and tell us what you want to see, or just heckle us!
We recorded Starside Lounge Episode 7 earlier this week and it’s finally published for your listening pleasure! Beorn, Xenos, Claude, and ncsuDuncan talk about the Destiny Year Two Twitch stream, more game industry coverage of The Taken King, and we reveal our giveaway winner from the previous episode! Oh, and Beorn tries to spread misinformation but Xenos and ncsuDuncan do their best to quash it. Check it out below or listen to it with your favorite podcast player!
Episode 6 of The Starside Lounge is posted! Special guest CruelLEGACEY (Nevin Douglas) joins Xenos, Claude, Leviathan, and Beorn to talk about this week's Destiny news from Gamescom and the Game Informer article.
In this episode, we talk in-depth about the Game Informer article, including PvE and PvP material that some may consider to be spoilers. If you want to approach The Taken King knowing as little as possible, you won't want to listen to this episode. HOWEVER, at 1:20:20 we mention a giveaway that you may want to hear about. That section of the discussion is spoiler-free.
Episode 5 of The Starside Lounge is already making its way out to a podcast player near you! This episode features our first-ever Community guests, Earendil and Speedracer, who help Xenos and Beorn discuss the Dreadnaught, weapon foundries, Bungie fandom, Trials of Osiris, and our wishes for Destiny, among other things. Go have a listen!
The DBO admins got together over the weekend and recorded an episode of The Starside Lounge! Episode 4 covers the last couple weeks of Destiny and Bungie news, including Bungie Day and Moments of Triumph, UI updates, Community management changes, weapon balancing, and, of course, fashion tips for your Guardian! You can listen on YouTube, or with your favorite podcast app by subscribing to our feed!
The DBO Starside Lounge is making a comeback! Beorn is joined this month by Claude, Mastrbiggy, Xenos, and Leviathan as we talk about Destiny: The Taken King, distill some details from the E3 show floor, pontificate about pricing, and wax whimsical about our Destiny wishes.
You can catch it on YouTube via the video below, or listen on our Starside Lounge page. The iTunes/RSS feed should be updating shortly, as well. Sit back and relax in the Starside Lounge, then sound off in the forum!
Grab your favorite pair of ears and subject them to Episode Two of The Starside Lounge. Four members of the DBO admin team set aside their differences to discuss every Bungie fan's most coveted game: Wreckateer. Somewhere between tales of giant slingshots and crumbling castles, the group manages to sneak in a few Destiny-related thoughts about our Chris Butcher interview, Bungie Week, Jason Jones, fan creativity, and of course: SPACE MAGIC!
(In addition to streaming or downloading from our Starside Lounge page, you can also listen on YouTube and subscribe through iTunes!)
That's right - The Starside Lounge podcast is now avalible on iTunes!
Black is white, square is round, the world is upside down, and DBO is proud to present our pilot episode of The Starside Lounge, a handcrafted podcast for the discerning DBO community! If your ears are up to the task, you can download the MP3 from here (right now it's manual, but we'll be setting up a podcast feed with our next episode).
For a little over an hour, we discuss Bungie's E3 gameplay reveal, Destiny platforms, character classes and customization, micro-transactions, The Law of the Jungle, and more. Check it out, we hope you enjoy it!
Now with more YouTube!