The crew from GameOverCast were able to grab some time with DeeJ during Gamescom - and they've included the interview on their latest podcast. DeeJ does a masterful job of deflecting all the specific questions while still providing some tasty content, and reminds you why Bungie's being coy in the first place. It's worth a listen! (The podcast is nearly 2 hours, and the Destiny content begins more than halfway through - but they're giving away a bunch of cool stuff, including a Tritton headset - so you might want to listen to the entire thing.) Thanks to radarhead for letting us know on our forum. (His post includes an iTunes link if you'd rather listen there.)
The Gamepedia wiki is trying to build their Destiny content - and to entice you to help, they're giving away a Playstation 4 console and a copy of Destiny (when these items are released). Swing by GolgothaAvante's forum post for details - and then go help them fill up the spaces!
Desti-Nation created 'Duel of the Fates' - it's a fan-made trailer that uses Star Wars music to bring out the oomph in some recent Destiny footage. Feels really great! Go watch.
DattoDoesDestiny posted an August recap of Destiny news last week - if you feel like you might have missed some of the Destiny news that came out last month, this 6-minute video should summarize what we know, and help you feel comfortable that you're on top of the news to date.
Tuesday's headlines: