
Just finished watching Despec (Off-Topic)

by MrPadraig08 ⌂ @, Steel City, Friday, December 18, 2015, 19:21 (3252 days ago) @ Korny

There are only a few times where the special editions helped the movies out IMO:

-added some more speed to the New Hope dogfights (they stick out way more now than I remember)

-removed yub nub from the final scene in Jedi and added the current beautiful score that is played now

I had to look up the changes to empire, because I didn't notice their absence.

If the despecialized version does any one thing right, it's give you an unfettered appreciation for how great of a sequel Empire is. Jedi used to be top of my list, but after this recent reviewing, I think the nerd sages of old have convinced me.

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