Perhaps I can no longer feel joy. (Off-Topic)

by Avateur @, Tuesday, December 22, 2015, 03:01 (3263 days ago) @ Bones

I found 'The Force Awakens' to be, at best, an incoherent mess populated by one-dimensional caricatures, nonsensical plot developments, terrible dialogue, and a schizophrenic tone, and ultimately the perfect example of style over substance.

I disagree with you on some points, but you're definitely not wrong on others. This is a pretty fun gathering of details, and most of them are pretty spot on. Oh, and spoilers if you click this link:

40 Unforgivable Plot Holes in Star Wars The Force Awakens

But what do I know? I'm a cranky old man who doesn't understand this generation.

I don't think this generation has anything to do with it. It was a pretty purposeful choice by Abrams, who has a really bad habit of doing things like this when playing with other franchises (not to mention what he did with Lost and then left the clean up to other people). He revitalized the franchise, is gone from Episode VIII and IX as director, and now maybe this can open up the future for something fairly original (as far as Star Wars plot goes) with a much better emphasis on writing and story.

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