On Star Wars and JJ Abrams... *no spoilers* (Off-Topic)

by Avateur @, Friday, December 25, 2015, 05:36 (3263 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I'd like to begin by saying that I think it's unfortunate that you're rushing to judgment without having seen the whole thing yet. I'm not invalidating what you've said, though. It's just that the complete movie and experience could absolutely change your overall impressions, including those of the first half that you've seen.

Having said that, probably my biggest complaint about the movie is in regards to how much "smaller" the universe feels based on the pacing you mentioned. There isn't a lot of time for people to breathe, so it definitely seems like a ton of really jacked up coincidences and plot holes. Things just seem to be places in an instant, and that is absolutely a problem with Into Darkness, too. I'd love to go into more detail on this point, but you haven't seen certain parts yet that really nail this critique on the head.

Now, having said all of that, the pace of the movie is also one of its greatest assets, especially now that I've seen it a second time. The pace was one thing I was saying was of great benefit after my first viewing, and now that I've come to terms with the fact that Abrams just poorly directed how much time/distance things go down in, I can further suspend my disbelief and allow myself to realize that there really is a lot more time taking place and a lot less coincidence than seems implied. The second viewing was definitely as much if not more so enjoyable. I'm also glad that Abrams will be off of VIII so that the pacing issues, among other problems, can be fixed (hopefully).

As for a remake/reboot, I like calling this a soft reboot of IV. And I think it works very well. It's just a really good time. Beyond your just finishing the movie, I can't wait for you to go see it in theater and see how you feel about it then. If you feel the same, hey, more power to you. There are plenty of valid criticisms, and this is not a perfect movie. It still somehow works. I'm ranking it just below or right with Jedi.

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