
How about something a bit more scientific? (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Friday, January 22, 2016, 04:23 (3323 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Yeah... That's the thing. From reading Kahzgul posts I am lead to believe that Destiny's networking is crap and everything else is better. Then you show me those two clips! Am I being mislead about the advantages of other networking models? Because what happened in those clips is completely unacceptable. I sure as heck will accept Destiny's lag vs the game rewinding my position on the map.

Hmm. That first clip seems like you're just watching one laggy guy in an otherwise stable game, and it's doing what it's supposed to. The laggy guy is at a severe disadvantage while everyone else can move freely and normally.

That second clip looks like either the person recording (Korny, I assume) is lagging or (based on how the other players appear to moving back and forth as well) the host is lagging. I'd guess that either Korny got dropped or a host migration took place shortly after that?

That is one thing Destiny's distributed "no host" system has going for it is that you hardly ever see people drop mid-game. Of course, you probably should given how bad particular people can lag. I'll see about uploading an egregious game I had during the latest IB. You can see the rockets sticking out of the ground for a second or so before the detonate. It's nutty.

As for being misled, no, you're not. Destiny prioritizes predictive animation, so it appears smoother than almost any MP game out there. The thing is, your system is rendering players in places where they aren't. The actual animations don't match the actual location of your target, exactly. Looks better, plays worse. In CoD (I haven't played Halo 5 at all and can't speak to it's systems), what you see is exactly where the server says that person is, so if they're lagging at all, they stutter step around the map. Not a smooth looking, but far better playing. The difference is, unfortunately, purely in the feel, so a vidcap does not really do it justice on either end of the spectrum. Laggy destiny games don't look as bad in video because you can't tell when the trigger was actually pulled. Laggy CoD games look awful because of the jittery animation, but you can't see that bullets fire when they're supposed to and hit who you're aiming at (and damage them correctly).

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