Interactive gameplay scores (Destiny)

by MartyTheElder, Saturday, April 09, 2016, 21:37 (3278 days ago) @ kapowaz

Hi Marty,

Years ago I'm sure I read in an interview you talking about how few games were trying to do interesting things with gameplay and music, the kind of thing that (for example) Halo 3 did with the soundtrack during the big fight with the two scarabs. What, if any, games today do you think are good examples of interactive and interesting game scores that play to the strengths of the medium?

Look forward to hearing what you come up with next!

A: Well, we did that kind of thing all the way back to Halo 1. I like the fact that people didn't really notice. At least for me, that meant I was successful.

Two games this year that not only had good scores but did nice adaptive work were Ori and the Blind Forest and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture.

Games that try and adapt or score every little moment or action, one to one, bother me. In movies that's called Mickey Mouse and that's one film standard I'm in agreement with.

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