
What's wrong with this view... (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, October 05, 2016, 21:06 (2810 days ago) @ marmot 1333

I think saying there are "constant little pokes" is excessive.

Yes and no. The reminders aren't aggressive or overly in my face, but I do see them multiple times, every time I play. When I go to my inventory screen and see the middle column for ornaments, when I go to the tower and Tess is the very first thing I see, when I inspect an item and see the "ornament" node... It's all stuff that I actively tune out. I force myself to pretend I don't see it, because I just want to enjoy playing the game without worrying about these silly little temptations.

I've gotten a few of the free packages and they had the ornaments--that's the only time I ever remember seeing anything in-game about it. I never visit eververse because I don't care about cosmetic stuff.

So my question to you is: do you not care about the Eververse cosmetics because you'd have to buy it? Just curious :) I love having fun with cosmetic stuff in games. I've even bought a few emotes because they're silly and fun and make me laugh. I just find that as time goes by, these elements are slowly working their way deeper into the game. I just hope it doesn't reach the point where it becomes too invasive for me.

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