What's wrong with this view... (Destiny)

by marmot 1333 @, Thursday, October 06, 2016, 16:25 (2813 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

When I go to my inventory screen and see the middle column for ornaments,

Completely fair. I hadn't thought about that.

when I go to the tower and Tess is the very first thing I see,

Usually I see the postmaster first because of the green diamond with the exclamation point!

when I inspect an item and see the "ornament" node...

This makes sense but I guess I haven't really inspected many exotics since the change. They are just for exotics, right?

So my question to you is: do you not care about the Eververse cosmetics because you'd have to buy it?

Haha, again a fair point. I am very frugal (read: cheap). That makes me realize that I don't spend a lot of time on cosmetics even when they are free--I generally find the look that works for me and stick with it. I do find satisfaction in finding a shader/emblem/ship combo that I like... So maybe it's just that I'm cheap.

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