ITT: Cody undercuts his central argument against Destiny

by electricpirate @, Monday, August 12, 2013, 13:16 (3918 days ago) @ Cody Miller

No. That's why she plays on EASY and you play on HEROIC. Holy cow dude, think for 2 seconds.

It's like you barely even read my arguments before just reposting the same knee jerk stuff ;)

Okay, so we create some difficulty levels, everyone happy? No, not quite, Halo on easy flat out isn't as interesting a game as Halo on Legendary or Heroic. Ideally, everyone plays the same thing, and you have tools to get them there. Hence, a smart leveling system that allows you to keep players engaged as they grow their skills.

You are correct in that you can make your easy difficulty so easy it ruins the game. I mean, imagine a cover based shooter where easy mode was so easy you never needed to use cover. You broke your game. You are incorrect in thinking leveling up improves PLAYER skill. It boosts the stats of your avatar, but does nothing for the player.

The ability to add more challenge organically is always going to be more interesting in terms of game design than having hard difficulty settings.

Also, I never once said this, "You are incorrect in thinking leveling up improves PLAYER skill. It boosts the stats of your avatar, but does nothing for the player."

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