
Hi I'm new here

by MrPadraig08 ⌂ @, Steel City, Wednesday, August 14, 2013, 06:52 (3916 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Finally decided to read through another patented Cody megathread.

I don't know for sure, since nobody knows what Destiny really is. That being said:

There is a difference between leveling up / advancing a character to make the game easier vs doing the same to make the game harder or more complex.

Think of it this way. You level up in a JRPG or Diablo or something. You are more powerful, so the game becomes easier. You can kill enemies you couldn't before. This doesn't make the game more complex.

Leveling up in Deus Ex on the other hand, DOES make the game more complex, because the designers made this cool world which you could tackle in many different way with many different skill and augmentation combinations, each enabling a very different experience.

Think of it this way:

Bad: You should always level up, since there's no downside and it can only help. You can always level up more if you put in time to gain exp.
Good: Leveling up has tradeoffs or is a strategic decision. Only a set amount of exp that's the same for all players (roughly), so do with it what you wish.

I hear what you're saying. You definitely don't want to rob areas and enemies of dignity if you can one shot them when it used to take much more to kill them, or there being no reason to return to Old Russia if it's filled with lvl 5's.

So you can scale enemies, and that works for a while before getting too ridiculous.

And you don't want to just keep exponentially increasing the player's scale of power (i.e. Borderlands 2) to the point where, compared to you as a lvl 2, you are now godlike and smite lvl 2's enmass by blinking.

This seems to come to a head with the idea of the trifecta and the wolfpack. So right now there are three distinct classes and a focus on the team aspect. I believe they will leverage the idea of the fireteam to balance battles and omnipotent leveling.

Example: Let's say you're a Badass mecha Titan lvl 50 with supergunnygun. You have picked many physics altering power upgrades so that up close you are a force of nature, but when you use said power, your shields drain and leaves you open for long ranged attack. Now let's also say that these limitations in each class defies normal hit points and leaves your superweakpoint exposed. Unless the Hunter next to you drops a shield or gets the attention off you, you're toast. All the while, this bad mofo is heading your way and you're still in recharge... until Mr.Warlock amps you up with instant recharge and ubercharge (why not?) so you can take on the sob.

If powers and upgrades are regulated to the team aspect, this could greatly alleviate some of the issues you were having with simple steroid leveling leading to easier encounters, but at some level this will never be fixed. At some point, the right combo of powers will be spec'd to make the optimized ease of fighting, and hopefully it won't get to a level where people steamroll the game and it's levels. But even if they do, I can choose to ally myself with a fireteam that works in synchronicity.

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