
What about stuff locked behind hard mode Raids? (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Monday, June 19, 2017, 18:40 (2804 days ago) @ DEEP_NNN

I want and sometimes need, an alternative method to getting those special equipment (more powerful) locked behind HM Raids. I see little benefit to the 'already highly skilled' to get special equipment. Some may replay the Raids but making it easier for them makes no sense. If the Raids are good enough for replay, that's the only incentive required.

Bungie should have created alternative (perhaps more grindy) methods to get those same special equipment. That incentivises the lesser capable players to keep playing with the ultimate goal of doing Raids.

Bungie already recognizes that only 50% of the community finishing Raids is a horrible number. I hope they make better choices for D2. I have no confidence in their new LFG built in system. Seems like they were just too lazy to figure something better out. Like hire Cody. ;)

The horror!

Guided games apply to regular raids only. I think their solution is creative (not lazy), and I'm interested in seeing how well it works. Raid matchmaking would have provided a lousy experience most of the time--worse than LFG. What other complicated, difficult, coordinated activity that you do with other humans requires no effort at all to join other than pushing a plastic button on a game controller while sitting on your couch? A better demonstration of commitment and interest is required.

Regarding raid weapons--they're raid weapons on several levels--you get them from raids and they have raid specific perks. They're among the coolest things in Destiny. That said, it's very common for non-raid weapons to become go-to weapons for specific parts of a raid. Bungie has said that they want people to experiment with a greater variety of weapons so maybe fewer weapons will feel like necessities. The challenge is creating enough guns that are effective in raids without diluting what makes weapons unique and coveted. (I actually think D1 did this, but perceptions of effectiveness run deep.)

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