
A stupid reason to not buy PS4 (Gaming)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Friday, December 08, 2017, 11:08 (2343 days ago) @ Korny

You won't buy a PS4 either way, so why would they even cater to such entitlement for free (not even for free, it would be at a great cost to them)?

They would lose some players because of it. But the reason they have such a high player base it more to do with the hardward and exclusives than anything.

True, but by its very nature, the 2:1 sales mean that even the worst-selling multiplat game has a higher playerbase on Playstation. People with both consoles are far more likely to buy the Playstation version. Even Developers themselves have been seen to opt for Playstation as well (yeah, that is Xbox fanboy Ryan McCaffrey bashing xbox players over playercounts. That should tell you something), it's a no-brainer.
Think about the Game Awards last night. Was a single true Xbox exclusive even mentioned once? Much less nominated for anything? The only game even associated with Xbox was the non-exclusive Cuphead, while Sony had multiple exclusives competing against each other for awards, including GoTY) so Sony's not exactly being pressured to look better than it is (I mean, they did have an eight-minute long trailer for a true exclusive, and an entire tribute dedicated to Sony's Andrew House)...

I wonder how many players they would actually lose due to it (and thus money). True, money is money and they have competitors.

The reason they should do it is not because they would make more money if they didn't do it. They should do it because it's the right thing to do for gamers of both consoles.

I too would love to live in this world of sunshine and rainbows, but corporations are not people. No company (outside of Volvo) is going to throw away a huge profit over doing "the right thing", especially when it's mainly the hard-headed userbase of its main/ailing competitor crying for it.

Okay, I wouldn't go so far as to say this is a thing of "sunshine and rainbows". The reason it is such a big deal is because it wasn't a standard to begin with a long time ago. I personally believe it should have been. But because there was no way to enforce it, console developers could use it as just one more tool to man-handle gamers into buying their console. Gamers shouldn't be punished for choosing their preferred piece of hardware.

Yes, I'm talking far more ideals than reality, but eventually the consumers have to give the developer a middle finger when they are being manipulated enough.

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