
I just haven't bothered with EP at all (Criticism)

by bluerunner @, Music City, Friday, June 01, 2018, 06:59 (2401 days ago) @ narcogen

I'm at 363 and I just don't even want to bother wasting my time butting my head against a light level wall.

Not trying to finish, or not playing at all?

A couple of questlines with decent rewards require 3 & 10 level completions. They're all doable below 360 in public spaces where others are running EP.

My problem was finding public spaces where other people were running it. I would at best get only 2 other low level people to join me. The only way I finally got the quests done was to start it right after a public event and hoping enough people hung around to do it. They usually only hung around for the first try, and the farthest I ever got was level 3.

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