
THAB 05/31/18 - Year 2 Reveal Event Details (Destiny)

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Friday, June 01, 2018, 12:58 (2448 days ago) @ Harmanimus
edited by ManKitten, Friday, June 01, 2018, 13:02

(channeling my inner Stugotz here)

There were things that could be modified in Halo.

In the campaigns there were skulls. These skulls were sometimes a direct smack in the face to "not how we intended you to play it" Also, the campaigns WERE linear, so yes in that regard you had to play it as designed. But they eventually added in things like times and scores, these also changed the design of the gameplay. But in PvP, there is no comparison. Heck, we had Forge where we could build our own maps, gametypes, pretty much anything and everything we could customize as we pleased.

Destiny 2 is:

Players are opening treasure chests too fast and we didn't intend that.
Players are ranking up too fast and we didn't intend that.
Players are earning tokens too fast and we didn't intend that.

ooh...you mean we were playing the game? Extremely well and efficiently based on the task?

But with escalation protocol, their intention was "Hey we will make this really difficult so players have to team up with everyone else on the map to beat it."

Really? Who thought that was good? Nobody wants to rely on blueberries, especially in patrol. It's one thing jumping into strikes with randos, you all know what you're getting into and have a common goal. In patrol, you're mixing up all light levels, some people are working on catalyst quests, some are doing lost sectors, one guy has been standing there for 5 minutes with a bubble of dots over his head. This is who they intended us to play this extremely difficult mode with?


They need to give up this "intentional design" stuff and give us our freedom of choice back. "I mean, they outta be ashamed of themselves, how 'bout that?" - Stugotz :P

P.S. I'm not nearly as bothered by all this as my post sounds.

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