
Take that, Arbalest! (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, April 25, 2019, 11:13 (2096 days ago) @ cheapLEY
edited by Ragashingo, Thursday, April 25, 2019, 11:20

And yet... is it possible that our backlash against ongoing content is getting out of hand? For instance, if you’d told me back during the Halo 1 - Reach era that for $35 I’d get a few new events and new weapons and new background lore and new multiplayer modes and new multiplayer maps, I would have been in “Shut up and take my money” mode.

The Halo 2 multiplayer map pack was $19.95 ($25.97 in today’s money) and arguably included a lot less. Back in those days even things like the Vanguard/Drifter remixed missions with new voiceovers were essential not possible.

I mean, I’m currently replaying Dad of War because I’m holding out for new Destiny content, but taking a little step back I’m wondering if I’m not being a little selfish / possibly setting my own expectations of any studio’s ability to make that content too high...

Oh, and The Revelry is a free event. It’s not like I didn’t replay Assault on the Control Room hundreds of times... I’d be willing to at least entertain the argument that AotCR is a better hour of content that maybe every individual Destiny 2 mission... But is Destiny 2 really that much worse on replayability that it deserves the level of scorn we’re giving it?

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