
Take that, Arbalest! (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, April 25, 2019, 17:09 (2095 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I think you read "bullshit" as a more negative term than I do. I use that term and ones like it very casually, are more as a general standout to "stuff," although, yes, with a slight negative connotation. Cody might mean it much more negatively than I would, though.

I do. It is a set of deliberate decisions designed to waste the player's time with no benefit to them at all.

They... uh... they get a new gun of a type never before seen in Destiny. And probably some armor. And certainly some potions that greatly enhance melee, grenade, or class ability cool downs.

Especially given that this was one of the easiest processes to earn an Exotic in recent memory. The Last Word and Thorn were both significantly harder, I believe.

Not as hard as Hawkmoon…

Wasn't Hawkmoon just RNG? All you had to do was play the game and one would quickly be delivered into your waiting hands. At least I think that's how it worked for everyone.

I know I've become sort of negative again lately, and I don't intend to. I'm eager for Bungie to put out something that will really get me back into Destiny. This little scraps of checklists to run through just aren't it for me anymore.

There is only one scenario in which I would ever return to Destiny:

1. The progression and investment system is completely rethought, and fixed to eliminate the arbitrary grind and barriers to fun.

All progression should be based on what you know, not what you have.

After 5ish years of you "being right" as you continued to play the game that was everything you claimed to stand against, I'm more than happy for you to stay on the sidelines. Hmm... what are you playing these days anyway?

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