
Take that, Arbalest! (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, April 25, 2019, 11:56 (2096 days ago) @ cheapLEY
edited by Ragashingo, Thursday, April 25, 2019, 12:05

But tone matters, right? Is it “bullshit” you have to play through or simply old content and activities you don’t want do right now? I think it again come back to “are we” by which I really mean “are some here on DBO” overreacting? If not, what is the acceptable standard for acquiring a new weapon? Is only 100% new missions and never before seen bounty goals what’s really being held up here as what is necessary to enjoy Destiny 2 again? Or should all new weapons just appear in our vaults complete free of any payment or effort?

I totally get Destiny fatigue. Simply having an ongoing string of events, even if they are good, leads to fatigue. Nobody wants plays the same game forever. But (no surprise, right?) I also get disagreeing with those who are arguably making acquiring this new gun more “bullshit” that it really is.

In the end, it’s fine if Cody does not want to engage. But, MacAddict and Harmanimus probably also really did enjoy the grind it takes to get Arbalest... And I don’t think their position is that Cody is wrong. Just that his characterization of it all was more abrasive than necessary. Especially given that this was one of the easiest processes to earn an Exotic in recent memory. The Last Word and Thorn were both significantly harder, I believe.

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