
Everyone has their stance, totally agree. (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Friday, April 26, 2019, 06:41 (2095 days ago) @ cheapLEY
edited by MacAddictXIV, Friday, April 26, 2019, 07:06

Oh come on. That’s disingenuous.

You’re free to enjoy it, but his position isn’t wrong either.

Oh, Yeah. I agree Cody and anyone else who feels that way is totally justified in how they feel. I only made my comment because of how he said it with the "total bullshit" is all.

It still boils down to doing hours of the same stuff we’ve been doing since the game came out. Cool, go get 200 grenade kills or whatever in strikes. Yeah, that’s really compelling content there!

I mean, I was already doing strikes for pinnacle weapons and 70% of the stuff I was doing in those strikes and the Forrest, so I wasn't "grinding" for anything. I might have popped into the raid for about 10-15 minutes to finish one of the bounties which would be considered a "grind"

Honestly, if you don't like strikes or the forest this will feel like a grind to the Arbalest. Otherwise I had fun with unlimited abilities.


After reading the entire thread I just want to make a note on Cody's opinion and how we respond to it. From as long as I can recall, Cody's opinion has been roughly (and tell me if I'm wrong) "Destiny is trash and unless they overhaul key components of the architecture I'm not playing it again" and I am of the camp that Destiny has been fun and enjoyable game that has been worth my money. Now, every time Cody has said something along the lines of "In my opinion yes, it's [Destiny] 95% bullshit and has always been." That is directly opposed to my opinion of the game and it is very much abrasive. We can both have opinions, but I don't get how Cody gets to say things like that and when I defend my opinion it's considered disingenuous? Yes, it was a bit snarky, I will admit, but at this point of replying to Cody's "Destiny is bullshit" and harsh language it's kinda hard to have an actual debate about it.

Maybe I just need to keep sticking to my guns, but I'm a bit tired of how it seems like bashing on Destiny is the defacto moral high ground these days. I feel like Liking a game on a fan site should be and one should list off why they don't like a game. Maybe it should always be both... I don't know anymore. I am starting to ramble now.

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