
Take that, Arbalest! (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, April 25, 2019, 12:29 (2096 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I’d rather have another Warmind, as well. Remember, Bungie said earlier in the winter that High Moon Studios was working on their “swan song” for the Season of Opulence. Bungie previously gave them a lot of the credit for Warmind. It’s a guess on my part, but I’d wager the type of content you and I enjoy more is coming.

There’s a couple of intriguing questions here as well:

1. Are these events worthless? Even if you, me, and Cody largely or totally ignore them, does it keep enough of the Destiny player base engaged that the game as a whole sees more buy-in for future content? I don’t have any data to form an answer, but the answer is at least conceivably: “Maybe.”

2. Does a large studio like Bungie delay future content by making these events? Or are they large enough with enough concurrent teams that producing The Revelry and the next Warmind is a more efficient use of time and talent than idling (and possibly losing) developers?

Even though Games as a Service has many notable negatives, game development is really, really complex, and there may be some less obvious positives, as well...

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