
That's the main issue for me (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, March 05, 2020, 17:44 (1668 days ago) @ kidtsunami

Yeah, 99% of weapons now are insta-shard. Random rolls woth clear Best-in-Slot perks just seems like Static Rolls with extra steps.

I'd like some examples of weapons where there are multiple viable rolls.

There are plenty. If nothing else, it’s easy to come up with ideal PvE rolls that differ drastically from ideal PvP rolls. I have a PvE Trust with Firefly and Rampage, and one with Rapid Hit/Snapshot for PvP. But even in more subtle situations, different rolls can be viable in different ways. I have a Redrix Broadsword that’s maxed towards stability, and another one speced for range, and I swap back and forth depending on the map. And then there’s the issue of sandbox changes. Before Shadowkeep, my max-range Austringer was my favourite roll of that gun, while now I prefer my max stability version.

Some weapons are just generally a bit lacklustre, and it takes a certain roll to make it good. Other weapons start from a good place, and have room to be specialized in different ways with different perks.

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