
Sigh (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, April 23, 2020, 17:21 (1619 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

Sorry guys, I’m just in a bad fucking mood today I guess. Skip this post if you’ve reached your quota of listening to me bitch about

Solution: Inject more chances to earn Masterworking materials from Trials. Masterworking/infusion materials will come from 3/5/7 win payouts in Season 11. We’re also looking into possibly adding a new material-focused farming card in Season 12.

Seriously? That’s their answer to more rewarding? More bullshit materials? Look, I agree that the endgame Crucible activity should drop good amounts of those materials, but that’s not really a good answer for what the real complaint is, which is the lack of interesting loot.

Also, so do you only get Tokens at the 3, 5, and 7 win milestones now, or did I read that wrong? Because I’m not sure that actually addresses the Token farming problem.

I honestly feel like Bungie hears about community issues with the game through like fifteen layers of Google Translate.

It’s not to say in don’t appreciate their efforts to be more forthcoming, but at some point just . . . come on. I look forward to next week when they address bounties. I won’t hold my breath.

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